Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Some Coronavirus Cartoons

Some cartoons selected by Molly Cernicek of Nuclear Diner:
Mike Luckovich

Steve Kelly

Pat Bagley
Arend Van Dam

Clay Jones
J.D. Crowe

Michael Ramirez
Nick Anderson
Steve Breen

In case you don't recognize what the first cartoon was based on, this iconic image was used for the US Marine War Memorial in Washington, across the Potomac river from the Lincoln Memorial and just outside Arlington National Cemetery:
Image result for iwo jima flag photo

Discussion prompts:
1. Which cartoon is your favorite, and why?
2. Young adults have been portrayed as reckless and selfish recently. Are you seeing any peers disregard the social distancing idea, or is there positive peer pressure to stay home? I predict that the overall maturity level of the country will grow over time, despite conservative media playing down the risk to the public at times. If the virus doesn't spread in the summer months then people will get restless with a long shelter in place, of course, but that won't be limited to young people. Will the nation come together during this crisis?


  1. I thought the best one was the one with the cats. Namely because it's so F****** true (My sister has a cat, and that is so accurate). And, also it is some decent advise, and whatnot. Plus, it's kinda cute.
    As for the nation coming together, I don't see it with the current Political divide on Capitol Hill.

  2. 1. My favorite cartoon was the "coronavirus" - "moronavirus" where the uncle sam figure was hoarding all the toilet paper. I thought this was a good cartoon because it portrays many Americans actions amid self lockdown rules. I think that buying more supplies than you need or hoarding essential goods is not a good idea. Many of the people doing this are young and more likely to deal with the coronavirus better. For people who are more susceptible to the virus or could be more harmed by it like the elderly really need those supplies. People are also buying perishable goods in bulk, and wasting food that others need or can use.
    2. A lot of young people aren't obeying quarantine or self-lockdown rules because they believe they can't get the virus. But, people can still be exposed and these young people can affect older people in their household, who are more susceptible to virus and can be greatly harmed by it. I know that some of my fellow. students are still going out and coming in contact with others because of my free time from campus closure. I believe this is selfish because young people now are getting it and they can still affect others. Also, most people see this as vacation and a time to go out and have fun, but it really takes away the point of campus closure and self-quarantine. Them going out doesn't help in the goal of flattening the curve and slowing down the number of cases.

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  4. 1.
    In my opinion, the 6th one or the cartoon by Clay Jones is the one I'm most interested in. The cartoon obviously shows a bunch of people, mostly younger adults, dressed with the intention of partying and having alot of fun, while holding up a sign saying "Spring Break 2020,"- except the "0[s]" exposes to us the real reason is because of the coronavirus. This intrigues me in 2 ways. One, is the fact that they are celebrating in this context, when some other people might be grieving over the lost of family members. It's definitely an event that can be viewed drastically different from one another; the 2 extreme POVs if you will. Secondly, is sort of the hidden irony. The people are celebrating, yes, though they also are in large crowds. Judging from their demeanors, I'd say they, at the moment, have absolutely 0 worry about the virus; they are only filled with joy. However, little do they know, that's how the virus can spreads, which is where the irony comes in. Seriously, they probably won't be celebrating for that long...

  5. 2. I feel like everything is very mixed in how people are responding to the current quarantine situation. There are definitely some people taking it very seriously but also people who aren't at all trying to be safe. Personally, I haven't seen anyone completely disregarding the idea of social distancing and I think that, as the issue gets more and more serious, people will be more inclined to follow it.

  6. My favorite cartoon was probably the 7th one about "moronavirus" where the patient is holding onto all the toilet paper. I enjoy it because it is quite funny but also very true. There are many people that have gone out and bought out an entire store's supply of essential items really for no reason. I don't think a massive amount of toilet paper really does anyone good. In my opinion, a massive amount of toilet paper doesn't really help the buyer. Like what are they looking to do with a bunch of toilet paper. It also hurts the people who are not hoarding and causes them to want to hoard as well just to make sure they will actually have some. And truly the worst people who come out of this are the people who have tried to buy these items in bulk just so that they can sell it to people in need at a higher price. It is kind of unbelievable that during a time of crisis, people will still attempt to take advantage and profit off of others.

  7. I like the 8th one because I find it quite accurate how uninformed individuals have been taking out their racist opinions on social media. They are obviously not very informed on the coronavirus and its beginning, so they just blame the whole chinese race foolishly. I definitely I would say I saw a lot of peers disregarding the social distancing idea at first, but once the shelter in place was enacted I definitely saw a decrease in that. I don't think this will completely bring our nation together because each generation seems to have a different view on the virus and how it should be handled. In reality, some people just will not take this seriously, but the majority will.

  8. The 6th Cartoon by J.D. Crowe "Spring break 2020" spoke to me most, among some others. I saw on the news about a week ago, Florida Beaches were packed with people which I think this cartoon is based off of. People are using this time off of work to party and spend time with friends, this is extremely harmful because they are only adding to the problem by being outside and around people instead of staying indoors. Additionally, I see on social media some inappropriate photo captions like "Happy Corona!". Although this time at home may have been much needed after a stressful start to 2nd semester, glorifying our time away from school is disrespectful to those affected by the corona virus and frankly, no one cares.

  9. The Cartoon by J.D Crowe that says "Spring 2020" is probably my favorite. I think a lot of young adults and teenagers are finding it hard to cope with social distancing. However, with that being said social distancing is because many people are being affected by the virus. The image shows irony of the care free young adults who have no worry about the virus. However, because they are in a large crowd, they are the ones exposing themselves and therefore have a higher chance of getting the virus. This image shows a celebration which can symbolize those who are ignorant to the effects of the virus on other people's lives. The image perfectly sums up many people's thoughts about the virus which is why it was my favorite.

  10. The cartoon by Micheal ramierez is my favorite. The nurse says corona virus? and the doctor says "moronavirus". The patient has a lot of toilet paper around him. On the shelves, the floor, his hands, and there are stacks of it all around the room. It's funny to me because I actually see people hoarding toilet paper and food just like this on social media.
    I think that people are getting reckless because they don't think they can get the virus. Theyre going out and it increases the risk of others getting it. But people on social media are coming together and reminding everyone to stay inside.
