Monday, April 20, 2020

Maximum Pressure on Iran amid Coronavirus could backfire for Trump

by Edson Peraza

Iranian leaders are accusing the United States that they are crippling its medical system during this global pandemic. President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani was quoted on TV saying "History will remember that the White House, so far, has been an economic terrorist, and in medical care has been a terrorist as well" he also wanted the International Monetary Fund to grant a $5 million loan to help him fund the cause towards the fight against the coronavirus. He asked for this fund because Iran is the hotspot of the Middle East for the coronavirus with 3,900 Iranians dead because of the virus based on the time this article was written and can be found on the CNN website. The United States has put sanctions on multiple countries, but Iran isn’t the only country upset with the United States, Venezuela and Cuba have demanded that Trump lifts the “crushing” US sanctions because the sanctions hinder their access to global financial systems. These accusations could waver the trust that US citizens have in Washington. Experts do say and agree that the US sanctions are making it harder for Iran to fight the pandemic. 
Dr. Aniseh Bassiri Tabrizi who works for RUSI (Royal United Services Institute) and also advises the UK government, believes that the US has hollowed out Iran’s healthcare system, and even before the crisis Iran’s healthcare system was struggling. This means that the US sanctions only make Iran even more vulnerable to COVID-19.  US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused Iran’s leaders of covering up how much of a problem they really had and only caused more harm. He states "The regime continues to lie to the Iranian people and the world about the number of cases and deaths," Pompeo later argued that the US was offering financial support by loaning over $100 million in medical assistance. Sanam Vakil, an expert in the Chatham House stated that “America's message of help no longer resonates, and its sanctions are inflicting a psychological shock upon the Iranian people.” She also adds to this by saying "I think an Iranian who has long may be thought that the United States was a benign power that took take care of other countries in moments of crises instead is seeing this nationalistic America first response," this may not have been Trumps or Pompeo intent but it doesn’t help them or the US look any better. And now the whole world is watching the United States and the actions they take.
The global theme that best connects with this article is VII or The relationship between the West/USA and the rest of the world. The conclusion for this is that if someone were to research of past relationships between the US and Iran, it doesn’t look fruitful. These recent events obviously haven’t helped the US make a better connection with Iran, but not only that other countries might think twice before seeking aid from the US. Although one can argue that the US did offer help, the article made it seem like it was a bit late when the US did offer help. This amplifies the reason why Iranians do not trust or would like to have a strong relationship with the United States. 

Discussion question: Was the United States picking the correct decisions in taking precautions with the sanctions or were they only causing more harm towards the world?

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