Tuesday, May 19, 2020

May 19, 2020

Corona Virus Devastated Moscow and Rest of Russia

By: Amrit Sharma and Nandish Ishat

Covid-19, or Coronavirus, is a highly contagious respiratory disease that has taken the world by storm. With millions of cases worldwide, it has driven people into lockdown to try to prevent catching the deadly virus. Originating from Wuhan, China, the coronavirus is said to have originated from bats that were eaten, then transferring the virus to the human and so on. 
This virus is slowly causing more and more deaths everyday and a cure has yet to be found. The confirmed Coronavirus cases are rapidly increasing and the number is being updated daily. Sitting at number one with most confirmed cases is the United States and according to John Hopkins University just recently Russia hit second place.. Russia is sitting at around 281,752 as of yesterday May 17. About more than half of the confirmed cases belong to Moscow sitting at around 140,000 cases and are starting to spread across 11 different time zones in Russia. 

This global crisis is affecting so many things starting from sporting events to big public gatherings and more. This has required the world to go on global lockdown, but Russia’s current president Vladmir Putin has other ideas about loosening the rules of lockdown in Russia. 
Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyayin has been for the most part the face of Russia’s battle against Covid-19, as Putin has been safely in his residence Novo Ogaryovo not taking much action at all. Currently, Russia is facing a great issue within the Coronavirus as it makes way towards 11 different time zones which most face a harsh and impoverished lifestyle. While Moscow is receiving all the support it needs, the medical officials of the smaller regions complain about the lack of support they are receiving as people are starting to die quicker.

As people are dying from lack of support, the Russian Coronavirus headquarters are not acknowledging the real amount of deaths as they are undermining the situation. These places are starting to report the real amount of their deaths. Places like Kaliningrad, Chelyabinsk, and many more are reporting their deaths and then the Coronavirus headquarters goes and confirms a lower number to the public which caused the morality of the local citizens to decrease. According to the Russian Vice-Premier Tatiana Golikova explained to Russian News sources that they are not manipulating the statistics but are just adding what they’re told. Russian health officials are claiming the opposite, “it was underreporting Covid-19 fatalities, saying its data was absolutely open.” 

The Moscow Mayor, Sobyanin, is doing all in his power to keep the morale of the Moscow people high. Despite the virus Sobyanin has people turning the city into a “Instagram friendly” landscape including parks, restaurants, high end real estate and more. While all this is happening in Moscow, videos surface on the news about the horrible conditions in the poor regions of Russia. The video receiving millions of views has people worried and angered about the conditions and how the treatment is being handled. In the video you can see, “ the peeling paint and poorly lit interior of the facility, and underscores the shocking condition of Russia's provincial healthcare system. It seems that in this sprawling country, time is not the only thing that differs between the capital and the regions.” As we can see very limited help is being provided for the helpless regions while the city of Moscow is thriving.



Discussion Questions:

Why do you think the Coronavirus headquarters falsely reported the amount of deaths?

Are the other regions of Russia being ignored and should they receive more support?

How can Russia come together to stop the spread of Corona?

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