Tuesday, April 20, 2021

French Muslim Discrimination - By Jacob Berenstein, Angelo Bounthapanya, & Sami Lehman

French Muslims Discrimination Presentation

 Course Themes

         1. What helps explain radicalization of individuals, political movements, and government institutions?

         2. How do social allegiances like nationalism and religion motivate political activism and change? 

         Back in the 1900s, imperialism was all the rage. European countries raced to "colonize" Africa, and introduced segregation and discrimination into their cultures. European imperialist, such as France, made sure that the people in the homelands they conquered knew who was in charge. This created animosity between the rulers and the ruled, as well as a divide between the European and foreign cultures. This divide as noticeably demonstrated during the 2005 French riots, where what started out as protests against police brutality against minorities and minors ended in minorities, such as Muslims, being blamed for the 200 million euros worth of property damage. The Muslim community specifically was the target of public officials, especially because of Islamic extremist organizations, such as ISIL or Al-Qaeda causing many terrorist attacks on French soil. This Islamophobia has continued to increase, and has lead to the current French Muslim crisis today.

         At first, it sounds unbelievable to hear that France is dealing with a crisis revolving around anti-Muslim hate, since France holds the most Muslims in the western world at around 5 million claiming to be Muslim. However, the data released from the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) reveal a 53% increase in hate crimes, a majority of which are directed at Muslims. But how did this happen? Why is there a sudden rise in radical nationalism that is clashing against coexistence? For starters, the recent hate was not a sudden rise- it did not just appear out of the blue. As demonstrated by the blame being directed at the Muslims in the 2005 riots, this has been in the making for decades. What is happening is a positive feedback loop between government responses and the rise in extreme French nationalism. 

         Emmanuel Macron, the French President, influences a new wave of French nationalism every time he makes a new statement or passes a new law regarding what he dubbed the Radical Islamic "Crisis". His actions normalize hate and violence towards Muslims to the eyes of French majorities, influencing many to act under what they believe is for the safety of their beloved nation. For example, the recent ban on Hijabs, a staple of French-Muslim tradition, sparked outrage amongst the Muslim community, as they feel that the government is trying to strip away their culture, and assimilate the Muslim community. Because of the protests against Islamophobia, Emmanuel Macron has scheduled a meeting with the French Muslim Counsel in hopes of setting ground rules and better understanding each other. 

         It is imperative that progress is made between the government and the counsel, because the situation can continue to get worse over time. Discrimination towards Muslim culture is present in many other places throughout Europe, such as in Turkey, where Hijabs and other headwear are already banned, as well as in other places throughout the world. This discrimination can also spread to other minorities, such as African Americans or Hispanics, which will promote the radicalizations of individuals, political movements, and government institutions around the world.

Discussion Questions

          1. What similarities do France and the US share regarding controversial issues and government response? What are some differences?

          2. What are the difficulties with integrating a foreign culture into a new society?

Additional Sources

AP News - French Muslims, stigmatized by attacks, feel under pressure

Washington Post - Instead of fighting systemic racism, France wants to ‘reform Islam’

BBC News - France Islam: Muslims under pressure to sign French values charter



  1. The difficulties are definitely more extreme when it's a foreign and often misunderstood culture. For example, many who are in countries that has few foreigners might stereotype a culture with its extremists and terrorists. When people fall into a state of fear, they are more likely to believe the stereotype. Because it's minority too, it's harder for their voices to be heard. Stereotypes of a culture is extremely harmful and governments or societies should make its citizens more aware that the majority does not belong to such stereotypes. Instead of discrimination based on extremist stereotypes, governments should dedicate more time into solving and preventing such terrorist attacks.

    1. I really agree with people making stereotypes of a culture being extremists and terrorist. I think that this adds a lot to the difficulties of integrating a foreign culture into society. I also think that many people have fear and the fear blinds which makes them not accept different cultures.

    2. I completely agree, especially about stereotyping a culture.

  2. Many societies tend to be naturally xenophobic and unaccepting towards foreign cultures, especially strongly nationalistic ones. In addition, historical tensions between two cultures or societies due to the legacy of colonization or past conflicts can make a society even less receptive to a foreign culture, and historical discrimination and prejudice towards a foreign culture predisposes them to having a difficult time integrating with a new society.

  3. There are many difficulties when integrating a foreign culture because many people are used to other cultures except theirs, this leads to problems in the country. Some problems that arise due to foreign cultures is a lot of rasims. Many people also believe stereotypes from foreign cultures that aren't true which leads to a lot of damage.

  4. It is difficult to integrate a foreign culture into a new society because the people already living at that society have their own values, beliefs, and cultures and for a new culture to come in that is different from existing ones, there will be fear of the unknown, and it is often times difficult to accept change.

  5. I agree with Jayden, and to add on the US has been increasingly more nativist with the rise of mass immigration from Central America in the 2010s. Biden wants to put children in holding centers to detain them, and Trump banned Muslims too from 13 countries. The difference is that America doesn't force people to give up their culture, while other countries do. Again, it's that fear of the unknown.

  6. Some difficulties of integrating a foreign culture into a new society is that the both groups have to adapt to one another to create a peaceful coexistence. Additionally, while integrating a foreign culture into a new society, the nation must create a framework which addresses certain issues including equal treatment, and supporting mutual acceptance.

  7. Some difficulties of integrating a foreign culture is that there needs to be acceptance from both sides. As the number and largeness of divides caused by racial and cultural differences grows, gaining this acceptance grows harder and harder. For example, in the US an ideology of speaking english only in an english speaking country, or "going back to where you came from" is very prominent within some of its residents. This ideology clashes when immigrants come in to the US, and only increases the negative connotation surrounding foreign cultures.

  8. There are many issues when integrating a foreign culture into a new society. One issue is that people are already living with their own values, traditions, and culture and so it would be hard to adopt and accept another. In addition, another issue is that many people believe stereotypes that they hear from other people.

  9. I think that the main difficulty with integrating a foreign culture is just how accepting both sides are. Since human beings naturally like to stick with what they know and understand, a lot of people tend to make up certain things and stereotype people and cultures that they don't understand. Thus, this creates separation between a foreign culture and the native culture to a society.

  10. There are many difficulties with integrating foreign culture, but there are also many good things about it. Including foreign culture will be a good thing because it will help citizens to understand what is going on outside of their community but teach people new languages, beliefs, and things to do. It though also comes with the difficulties with not understanding the new beliefs and foreign way of living when you have been so used to your normal life for a long time. Also, the coming to a compromise and balancing both sides and groups.
