Sunday, May 9, 2021

Boko Haram & The Quasi-Failed State Status of Northern Nigeria- Anna Preskill & Anna Yee

Chad and the Escalating Fight against Boko Haram – Africa Center

 Course Themes:

  • Terrorism and destruction done by Boko Haram

  • The failure of state status in Northern Nigeria

In recent years, Nigeria has been in a significant war with Boko Haram causing economical and social problems all over Europe. Africa has been tremendously impacted by this conflict, and it has done damage to its economy, mainly due to their military group, Boko Haram, who started the feud. Boko Haram has left the picture and come back into it multiple times, always leaving some tragic path. 

This issue started in 2002 when an Islamic military group, Boko Haram, was formed, causing a lot of harm within economical and social culture throughout Northern Nigeria and Africa. Within recent years, Boko Haram has wreaked havoc in Northeastern Nigeria. 

Boko Haram did severe damage to Nigeria and the rest of the world throughout the years. Boko Haram caused four major events that will be talked about for a lifetime. One of these events was suicide bombers who were sent to kill many civilians. This event occurred on Aug. 26, 2011, when Boko Haram sent over undercover suicide bombers to Nigeria's UN capital. Twenty-three people were found dead, but more than 110 people were injured as they tried to escape the bombing. 

Five months later, on Jan. 5-6, 2012, Boko Haram sent a suicide bomber out again to a Christian civilization. They killed six people, whose families were devastated, and went back the next day to mourn the loss of their loved ones at the same civilization. The mourners were met with yet another suicide bomber and another 17 people were killed.

On April 14th, 2014, after not being noticed for two years, Boko Haram once again committed a terrible act. This was their most noticed event and people all over the world soon became involved. Boko Haram kidnapped 276 teen girls from a Secondary School in Chibok Borno. This disaster caused chaos. The girls were terrorized and treated terribly. Many were sold off to become wives and some were put through intense labor services and organizations. People all over the world started to spread awareness by using the hashtags -- #BringBackOurGirls and #RealMenDontBuyGirls on social media. About half of the girls are still missing today. Many people held search parties and families are still looking for their children and hoping for them to return. 

From what we have learned about Boko Haram, we can say that nobody should support them. In fact, people should fight against them and create an end to the group's horrifying acts of violence. We believe that this group is causing one of the biggest sources of harm around the world today. 

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why is it important to fail? What can you learn? 

  2. How does the mistreatment of others affect society and the factors of globalization?

  3. What is terrorism? Why should it be important?



  1. Terrorism is the act of carrying out displays of violence and unrest in order to spread fear among a group of people and advocate for a cause or some kind of change. It is important to recognize because it can often explain the motivation for attacks that severely impact and harm some communities, and the definition is important because some major global leaders and governments have carried out actions that some consider to be terrorism, and depending on the specific way the word is defined they can either be alleviated of blame or condemned for their actions.

  2. Failure is an important part of success. Through failure, nations are able to learn from their mistakes and build resilience. After Boko Haram’s first bombing, other nations within Africa should have immediately recognized this threat and placed tighter restrictions to prevent future bombings. Instead, these nations did not learn from their past failures, and as a result, a second and eventually a third bombing occurred, affecting the lives of innocent citizens.

  3. Terrorism is the act of forcing one's belief or ideology through aggressive and violent means. It is when one does a horrible act that injures or kills many people, all in the name of enforcing their ideology or belief. Terrorism is especially important because it kills and injures people severely so it is something that must be focused on to prevent these things from happening. It should also be focused on so future generations of people know not to push their beliefs on others at the extent of other people's lives.
