Friday, May 21, 2021

China's Space Weaponization


China's Space Weaponization
By: Behruz Azimov, Evan Louie, and Sanjna Hegde

Course themes:

  1. How should the US and the world respond to the rise of China and the change from a bipolar to a multipolar international balance of power?

China is mapping out their future space plans by building space capabilities for economic, military, communications, and intelligence benefits, with the goal of overtaking US space leadership. To achieve their goal, China is developing innovative technology such as the recently landed Mars rover, anti-satellite missiles, and the Tianhe space station. As a result of China increasing their development of space technology, mishaps have also occurred and questions regarding China’s ability to meet responsible space norm standards are a serious concern. 

According to NASA administrator Bill Nelson, “Spacefaring nations must minimize the risks to people and property on Earth of re-entries of space objects and maximize transparency regarding those operations.” After the recent incident near the Maldives, where China’s rocket re-entered Earth’s atmosphere uncontrolled and landed in the Indian Ocean, government officials within the US are considering reaching a global consensus about global space norms. Space norms not only enhance space safety but are agreements between nations meant to de-escalate the weaponization climate.  They can prevent nations from building a space weapon stockpile similar to the nuclear arsenal the US and USSR developed during the Cold War era.

Until such space norms are reached, China will continue with their space weaponization efforts. In 2005, China conducted their first ASAT (anti-satellite weapon) test. They have also recently developed ground-based laser weapons that can counter low-orbit space-based sensors. China’s overall space weaponization goal is to target US Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance satellites in order to limit/prevent enemy use of space-based assets. By doing this, they are able to eliminate the enemy’s ability to prevent communication regarding strategic information about troop and ship movements, incoming missiles, and navigation. To illustrate the effectiveness of this strategy, the US relies on space satellites for 70‒80 percent of its intel and 80 percent of its communication.

As the leader in space, the US should set the example and de-escalate the situation in order to prevent turning space into a new battleground. The US should lead by example and cooperate with efforts to de-weaponize space.


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What are the pros and cons of a nation increasing its space capabilities and weaponization and how does this affect other nations? How would other nations react?

  2. Why would a nation (specifically China) attempt the weaponization of space? What does China hope to accomplish by doing this?








  1. China would attempt the weaponization of space I guess in the form of trying to increase their power or even seem intimidating to the rest of the world. China is evident to dislike other countries to call them out for their activities that they consider a “domestic issue.” It can definitely act like a warning for other countries to think twice before acting against or not in favor of China.

  2. China would attempt the weaponization of space because I feel like China would want to increase more it's power and make other nations have more fear of China and its power. I think it would make China feel more intimidating, and would increase its overpower. China would like to accomplish more fear in other countries, and show how powerful a great power like China can be.

  3. I think that by countries attempting the weaponization of space they do specifically to assert their superiority over other countries. China specifically wants to show its technological advancements to the rest of the world so that they warn off competing countries.

  4. Weaponization of space is clear advance on the future. With space colonies in mind (both government and private), many are forseeing a space war to happen in the coming years. China's act of weaponizing space is to make sure they are ahead of others when the time comes.
